Tackling Social Inclusion


To celebrate #MoreThanFootball, we’re shining a light on two incredible stories from our social groups. These groups are designed to promote social inclusion and allow people to make meaningful connections with others in the community.

As part of our health and wellbeing offering we provide a range of social hubs catering to different needs, but with a combined goal of bringing people together and making meaningful friendships. For many these sessions act as a support group for attendees whether as a means for them to find their own purpose or to discover others in a situation similar to their own. This is where two of our participants, Roy and Debbie, each found a network of support.

Roy attends our Extra Time Hub, a session that takes place twice a week which allows attendees to socialise and take part in light exercise. Before attending our hubs, Roy struggled to find a sense of self-purpose after reaching retirement with the loss of a regular structure and an outlet for his skills making him lose sight of himself. By joining our Extra Time Hub he was able to rebuild that sense of purpose and made new connections with others, even going on to utilise his experience in the I.T. industry to lead a “Tech Club” to give others the confidence to get online. Since joining the Extra Time Hub, Roy has also taken part in our other groups including the scenic Walk & Talk sessions and Walking Football.

For Debbie the Dementia Hub was where she was able to find support. Debbie’s husband, Fraser, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and she often found it difficult to find support from others who understood her situation. Upon moving to Shrewsbury she discovered the Dementia Hub which runs alongside Shrewsbury Town FC Foundation’s Extra Time Hub. It was in these sessions that she found a support network of like minded people going through a similar situation. Through the Dementia Hub she was able to make lifelong friends and bring a smile back on her husband’s face.

You can watch both stories by visiting our Shrews4All pages:


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